Ok, so my plan to start all over on the weight loss wagon October 13th kind of fell apart. I’ve tried to figure out exactly where I went wrong or what was preventing me from getting back on the wagon and I honestly just can’t figure it out. Maybe it’s laziness? Maybe life in general just got in the way? But that’s no excuse. I need to incorporate this INTO my life, not let life take over.

I want to fit into my size 9 pants again. (Hell, I just want to get out of my maternity pants already!). I want to feel attractive again. I want to have tons of energy. I want to feel good about myself and I want to be proud of myself again.

And so, yesterday I decided to get back on track. I stuck to my Weight Watchers diet like white on rice and I worked out to Jillian Michael’s 30-day Shred. Today I followed Jillian Michaels again since I missed my AquaFit class with Baby Boy and I came under point by 2. I’ve been researching Weight Watcher recipes online and tagging my favourites. I have a grocery list all ready to go with different spices and seasonings to create some pretty cool meals. I’ve even COOKED the past few days — now, this may not seem like a big feat but you have to understand that I don’t cook. I don’t even butter my own toast ‘cuz to me that’s cooking.

And to be honest I feel like I’ve just received a breath of air after being deprived of oxygen for a looong time.  I’m actually excited to re-start this venture rather than dread it like I have been lately.

I’m pumped and I’m ready to bring it.

This Buddha Belly is rollin’ on people! Rollin’ on!!!

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